Saturday, June 9, 2012

Grit Together 2012

We arrived early in order to be sure to get a parking place where Ed could utilize the lift as he took the ibot chair with him for the days activities!  This was the 9th Grit Together and we have made all but one...(a family reunion of Ed's was on the same day.....needless to say  that they have chosen another date...This Marine let them know he wouldn't go for that when they planned the reunion on the same date the following year and he chose the Grit Together!)

We didn't plan on selling many books as most of those who attend already have a copy...but we go each year because we enjoy seeing all of our Marine family!  It is always an enjoyable day for those who attend.  There are activities for the children, a band, exhibits as well as lots of great food.  Sgt Grit out did himself with the food this year....not the usual hamburgers and hot dogs!  We had Indian Tacos, corn dogs and BBQ sandwiches!  I'm not supposed to tell, But Ed had seconds on the Indian Tacos!  They were "yummy".  In addition to all that...the shopping at Grits is the best!  His motto is that if he doesn't have it ....Chesty wouldn't want it!  This has to be Ed's favorite place to shop!  I have even found a few things  just had to have!

Each year Sgt Grit has a challenge coin for the event...AND you know Ed is sure to get one for his collection of coins.  We have filled two coin holders and we are working on the third.  I got an extra to send to a great nephew who is serving in Afghanistan. 

Ed with Sgt. Grit! Having a great time!

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