Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make New Friends

I was recently reminded of a song we sang when I was an assistant Brownie leader

Make new friends
But keep the old
One is silver and
The other is gold.

On the 3rd of November Eddie and I made two new friends in Joplin, Missouri. We had been asked to speak to a rotary club meeting there on the 4th and decided to get there the evening before. We got in early enough that the lady who had asked us to speak was able to meet us for dinner that evening

Sharon and her husband Gary met us in the hotel lobby and took us to one of their favorite restaurants...Chatters. (when he first told us the name...I thought he had said Cheddars...we had never heard of or eaten at Chatters.

Over dinner we made new fortunate we are to be able to travel and speak AND make new friends as we do what we like...

The next day we met them again at the Rotary club meeting. Eddie was introduced and spoke for the alloted time....after which we visited with those who did not have to rush right back to work....and also a while longer with Sharon and Gary.

We are blessed to now have new friends to keep in touch with...hopefully they will also come visit us sometime.

After our visit in Joplin we headed for Branson....Veterans Week....the 5th through the 11th. It was to be a busy but wonderful week for us.....

Being on stage at the opening ceremonies.......
The Oak Ridge Boys.....
Sunday service at the Hamner Barber theater......
The veterans Day Room....pickin' n' grinnin'......
Viet Nam veterans mini reunion.....
Tony Orlando....
Marine Corps Ball.....
Oliver North....
More new friends....
Closing Ceremonies....

So much more to blog about in the coming days!!!

Connie Beesley

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