Monday, October 19, 2009


While at the MWSA Conference we were able to meet many wonderful people: two of those were Chris Martini and Rebecca (Becca) Bryan. We were privileged to view his current film "Trooper".

This is the review Eddie wrote for the film:

Someone once said that "War is Hell" referring to the actual combat situation. Many times the hell begins after the tour of combat is over. Chris has done a great job portraying that in Trooper. In the film we see a father and son who fought in different wars both struggling to come to grips with the changes war has made in their lives and those around them. In watching the film the combat veteran realizes that he is not alone in his struggle and those around him understand a little better why he is as he is. Now let the healing begin. Thanks Chris

We have been in touch via email with both of them and have added them to our list of those we call friends. We are very blessed to be able to be involved in organizations where we meet such talented people. It was our pleasure to be able to visit with Chris for awhile after viewing the film.

Chris sent an is a portion of what he wrote:

The making of TROOPER was chock full of epiphanies and moments of synchronicity,but one in particular was Chris Roth, our Line Producer’s, bumping into Dwight Zimmerman, who would later become a producer, on the streets of Brooklyn.Turns out we were down a major location for the film, his house, and Dwight was like an Angel coming down from above. Dwight is a military writer and liked the story about a Vietnam Veteran Father helping his Iraq Veteran son adjust after War. I have been living in Dwight’s house with a camera ever since as Dwight is aware. :))))Well Dwight suggested I screen the film at the 2009 Military Writer’s Association Conference in Orlando.Joyce Faulkner, the President of the MWSA conference, opened the door to us and I was on the plane for Orlando.All went smoothly until I realized I was in a room made up entirely of Combat Veterans,mostly Vietnam, WWII, and Gulf War Veterans. I started to sweat and panic before the screening.This was much more important than I initially imagined. For if the film failed on this front,it FAILED, in my mind. All I was thinking was how I could get out of this alive, maybe could sneak out with my film and nobody would notice, maybe I could disappear before the Q&A. No joke, this kid was nervous. The lights went down. During the screening, I had no idea how the film was being registered,really. I know how these things go. It can go either way. The film finished and the lights came on and I found that all my fears were false. THEY LOVED IT.

AND Becca Sent us some pictures: (I am thankful for these....can't believe I did not carry my camera with at all times).

Chris and Becca

Eddie and Chris

We wish Chris the best with his film.

Connie Beesley

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